Part or all of the Wheat head is white or yellow and often without grain or with shrivelled and pinkish grain. Pink or orange fungal strands may be over the head.Species Affected:
Wheat, Barley, Durum Wheat, Maize, Triticale, small grain cereals, grasses.Biology:
Favoured by warm (20-300C), humid, moist conditions with leaves remaining wet for 36-72 hours during the flowering of the crop.Life Cycle:
Spores on the soil are transferred to leaves and stems of the crop by raindrop splash. If temperatures are around 20-300C infection occurs. Most infection occurs around flowering.Origin and History:
Yield losses in Wheat and Barley range from 20 to 100% in years favourable to the disease.Management and Control:
Adjust crop rotation so Wheat follows a broad-leaved crop or pasture.Related and Similar Species:
Copper deficiency has similar symptoms.References:
Steven Simpfendorfer Ag NSW, TamworthAcknowledgments:
Collated by HerbiGuide. Phone 08 98444064 for more information.