Colour - Bright green often with a darker green stripe down middle of the back. May be light yellow to pinkish green.
Legs - Six.
Winged and wingless forms.
Red eyes.
Life Cycle:
The aphids are all female and give birth to live young without mating. They survive over summer on alternate summer growing hosts.
Origin and History:
The potato aphid has an extensive range of hosts and can be of pest status in crops including lupins, canola and potatoes. They generally occur in light infestations and do not develop large colonies. If large colonies develop, direct feeding can cause stunted plant growth and distorted flowers resulting in yield losses. The aphids can also reduce yield through the transmission of viruses. These can cause a range of symptoms including stunting and leaf yellowing.
Management and Control:
A number of insecticides are available for control of the potato aphid.
Related Species:
Similar Species:
See Significance: for a key to distinguish different species that are common on canola.
WADA, Bulletin No. 4185 "Insect and Allied Pests of Extensive Farming".
Collated by HerbiGuide. Phone 08 98444064 for more information.